Data Visuals
All publicly accessible sustainability data visuals in one place
Data Visuals
All publicly accessible sustainability data visuals in one place
Path to Net Zero
This chart illustrates how Brown is planning to achieve its goal of carbon neutrality by 2040. Brown also has an intermediate goal of a 75% reduction below FY2018 levels by FY2025. The red dots indicate actual values and the black dots are projected values.
Fiscal Year Emissions Totals
This bar chart shows Brown’s total scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions. Use the dropdown filter to toggle between annual or monthly views, color the bars by different measures of interest, and see the impact that Brown’s power purchase agreements have had on campus emissions.
Texas Wind Renewable Power Production
This chart shows how much renewable electricity the ‘Mesquite Star’ wind farm in Texas is generating on behalf of Brown University. Brown receives 1 REC, or renewable energy credit, for every megawatt hour produced by the wind farm. This project is the University's first power purchase agreement, and more are planned for the near future.
Degree Days
Below are different plots of "degree days", which is a measure of weather similar to average daily temperature. These data are sourced from the T.F. Green airport weather station via (KPVD, base 65). In order to assess building energy efficiency, Brown's engineers must consider weather severity when they interpret nominal utility usage.
Data Center Utility Usage
This visual shows the utility usage for two data centers at Brown:
- The CIT data center, and
- The 180 George data center
The usage shown for the CIT data center includes two floors and OSCAR, the Ocean State Center for Advanced Resources. OSCAR is a high performance computing cluster maintained and supported by Brown's Center for Computation and Visualization (CCV). Data Centers, especially ones like OSCAR that support the training of complex computations, are important to monitor due to the amounts of energy they demand.
Tons Picked up for Composting
Brown contracts with two compost waste haulers. Most of the pickup locations are "back-of-house" meaning Brown's chefs deposit food scraps behind the scenes. This chart shows the total tons hauled away from campus and diverted from the landfill waste stream. Composting declined significantly in FY21 due to the pandemic’s impact on dining operations and the associated reduction in total food purchases.