Clean Break is a program planned and coordinated by the Office of Sustainability and Resiliency during student move-out at the end of each academic year. The program diverts useful items often thrown away at the end of the year from the landfill and into the Providence community. Office of Sustainability and Resiliency interns, our community partners and volunteers play a critical role in the success of this program.
Clean Break
Donate, don't discard.
Clean Break
Donate, don't discard.
Small appliances, toys, clothing, shoes, accessories, backpacks, clean bedding, towels, unopened toiletries, and books.
Please do NOT donate hangers, pillows or mattress toppers.
Items are carefully sorted to meet the needs of different partner organizations. In past years, we have worked closely with local organizations that include Street Sights, Brown LGBTQ Center, Youth Pride RI, HOPE, CrossRoads, Dorcas International, GoodWill, Interdisciplinary Navigation Partnership Program, Refugee Dream Center, Creative Reuse Center, Friends of Mt.Pleasant Library, and Mathewson Street Church.
During move-out, donations will be accepted in bins located in 4 centralized spots on campus.
How To Volunteer
Clean Break relies on student, staff and faculty volunteers to handle all of the donations. Donate your time to make a difference, get delicious free food, meet other amazing volunteers, and get extended housing through Senior Week! The volunteer application is posted in early April.