Brown’s water is sourced from surface water reservoirs located in a 93-square mile, mostly rural, forested watershed basin located primarily in Scituate, RI. The main source of this water supply is the Scituate Reservoir, which is the terminal reservoir in a network of six interconnected reservoirs.
Brown’s domestic water supplier, Providence Water, conducts annual water tests that are made publicly available every year. The Annual Water Quality Report tests thousands of water samples to determine the presence of any biological, inorganic, volatile organic, or synthetic organic contaminants. In rare cases when contaminant levels are higher than normal, Providence Water works with experts at the national, state, and local level to identify and execute mitigation plans.
In addition to the testing, screening, and precautions taken by Providence Water to ensure high-quality drinking water, Brown also works to ensure that all drinking water on campus is safe for consumption. Facilities Management operations staff conduct regular maintenance including water fountains and hydration stations.